I proudly present my first collaboration with German SciComm YouTuber Dr. Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim! Besides running one of Germany’s biggest channels for science communication with currently 570k subscribers, Dr. Nguyen-Kim also moderates the successful science show “Quarks” on public TV. She has been awarded several highly prestigious prizes over the last two years.
Using Elon Musk’s preprint paper for a new brain-machine interface as a hook, I first introduce some neuroscience basics. Then I describe three impressive experiments by Miguel Nicolelis to showcase the possibilities of BMIs. Finally, I discussed the difficulties and disadvantages of current approaches, and how Elon Musk’s company Neuralink aims to solve some of them.
Dr. Nguyen-Kim was able to get disabled inclusion activist Raul Krauthausen for an interview to add an ethics discussion. Overall, I am humbled by Dr. Nguyen-Kim’s ability to turn the script into an entertaining video. Working with her as well as her writer Dr. Lars Dittrich and her animation specialist Melanie Gath was a great experience.