
I was asked about a ‘template’ from my bioRxiv manuscript which I formatted to look like a journal article. So, here it is. Note that the figures are isolated in textboxes that include the figure caption and can be moved around. Word is pretty tricky when it comes to figure placement and it often destroys other parts of the format, so be carefull with this.
Also make sure to change the header for the first TWO PAGES, as they are differently formatted for odd and even page numbers.

I hope you will find it useful!

2 Replies to “Eckmeier_bioarXive_template

  1. Erik van Nimwegen

    Dear Dennis,

    This template looks great. Problem is, my version of Word says it is corrupted (I have version 14.6.1 and I am on a mac. Using OS X, Yosemite 10.10.5). I’m curious if I am the only one that has this problem or if others have also reported problems.



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